The ladybug is a beetle that is characterized by its roundness and its spots. If the insect is orange, red or yellow, its spots will be black. If it is black, its spots will be orange or yellow. The ladybug hibernates and breeds during the spring, and larvae develop during the summer season.
The cockroach is brownish or black in colour and flat shaped. It has 2 long antennae and 2 pairs of wings. If it gets inside the house, it can lay eggs year-round. The presence of cockroaches is extremely unpleasant. They feed in kitchens and carry bacteria, fungi and parasites. They can quickly adapt to various changes, and even to poisons.
Depending on the species, carpenter ants may be black with shades of either red or brown. They build their nests in tree trunks or stumps. A colony of carpenter ants will include more than 2,000 occupants after 3-6 years. This insect likes to hide in damp wood and dig tunnels in rotten wood. Carpenter ants pose a great danger if they are allowed to remain in a house, because they can cause serious damage to the frame.
The black wasp is a social insect that is characterized by yellow stripes on its face and thorax. The queen establishes a colony in an underground nest or in a paper nest. If it feels endangered, the wasp becomes aggressive and will sting. Humans feel a sharp pain when they are stung (it is strongly recommended that you remove the stinger if it is lodged in the skin), but the sting is often harmless. In case of allergy, or if you have multiple wasp stings, it is important to get to a hospital as soon as possible.
The fly is a winged insect with six legs whose colour varies according to its species. Water is essential to the development of the egg, larva and pupa. Once developed, the fly takes off. The presence of this insect can become very unpleasant. The buzzing of the fly and its habit of landing on people are factors that contribute to its annoying nature.
This nocturnal insect is recognizable by the cerci located in the lower part of its abdomen. Depending on the species, earwigs may be herbivores, detritivores or omnivores. They regularly eat in gardens. The presence of earwigs is useful because they devour harmful insects or over-ripe plants. Therefore, the goal should be to reduce that population rather than eliminating it entirely.
In hot countries, silverfish and firebrat live outside. In Canada, they find shelter indoors, because the weather is cooler. These insects have a long body, are covered with scales and have antennas. Silverfish antennae are silver, while those of firebrats are more beige. They like to stay in damp places such as basements, bathrooms and buildings where there are water leaks. Silverfish prefer cooler places, while the firebrat prefers heat.
The bed bug is a nocturnal insect that bites its host while they are asleep. It feeds on the blood of sleeping humans or animals. Only two species of bed bugs consume human blood, while others also feed on blood of birds and mammals. The host will discover small red bites in clusters or lines when they awaken. These bites are mostly harmless. In some cases, they may cause itching or rashes. In addition, some people can be allergic. It is still essential to get rid of bed bugs as soon as possible, before they multiply and invade your entire home.